Commission a Digital Portrait - One Pet Drawing


Pets mean the world to us! They do crazy stuff full of heart all day long and they deserve a portrait!

Pets can also make us sad when they go over the rainbow bridge.

This listing is for one drawing based on a photo that you provide!


What you’ll get: a 300 dpi digital image of your bestie in the size of your choice, 8x10, 11x14, 5x5… etc., that you can then get printed at your local print shop (or at home)!

Keep in mind that photos of your pet “smiling” tend to work best.

How long will it take? Right now, approximately 7 days, however it depends on the other orders in the queue. If you have a deadline, please let me know and I’ll do my best to accommodate.


Please also note that since your pet shines bright on their own, this listing is for One Image for One Pet (one pet per image). Two pet and three pet bundles are also available.

Ideally each pet will be in a photo, alone with all of their body parts visible, living their best dork life.

One final note in a litigious world: I will assume that any photo provided to me will have the necessary permissions to have artwork made from them, discharging myself of any liability for copyright infringement because it simply is not possible for me to double-check every photo I’m sent. That’s way less fun than drawing.

Thank you!

Let's get started!